Seeds4All Legal Update, March 2025
The pressure is building as the recent Council’s position moves new genetic techniques one step closer to EU farms and forks, while ministers are still struggling to find a common position on the Seed Law reform. Continue reading...
Legal Update, September 2024
The latest news from Brussel is that recently re-elected Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has finally revealed her picks and priorities for her new team of Commissioners over this next 5
year political cycle. So what does this mean for future policy making on seeds? Continue reading...
Legal Update, July 2024
It has now been a month since we have had a new Parliament - let's look at the possibility to rally newly-appointed MEPs to our cause. And there's no time to spoil! while the two texts which will
soon determine the future of the EU seed market are the subject of fierce negotiations. Continue reading...
Final stretch of negociations on the reform of the EU seed marketing legislation - Your Help Is
In this special article, Seeds4All relays information from its partner ARCHE NOAH, involved in advocacy actions at European level. You will find recommendations, key contact information and templates to facilitate your ability to act before April 24 - date of the vote in plenary of the European Parliament. Continue reading...
Legal Update, April 2024
On April 24, MEPs will vote on their final position on the reform of the European legislation for the production and marketing of plant reproductive material. Please take a moment to read our
report and participate in the lobbying campaign coordinated by Arche Noah! Continue reading...
Seeds4All Policy Guidelines, January 2024
The conference of November 28 was an opportunity for our group of partners to set out the political guidelines defining our common vision. In 2024, we will be
redoubling energy and work to ensure that this vision is disseminated to the political institutions concerned and that it finds its place in the outcome of the negotiations. Read our 2024 Policy Guidelines...
Centering small producers' voices in seed
law reform
On November 28, we took part in the organisation of a conference at the European Parliament to discuss the future of seeds. Spotlighting the specific voices of artisan seed producers in the context of the reform of the EU seed marketing legislation, this event was an opportunity to analyse the coherence of the Commission's proposal in the light of the demands and difficulties put forward by the guardians of biodiversity. Continue reading...
GMOs and seed
marketing laws: false promises of a toxic package
A carefully crafted narrative is framing GMOs as an essential ingredient in sustainable food systems. The decision to prioritise GMOs over other approaches carries a significant path dependency that will likely shape the future of our food systems for decades to come. In this context, we're asking: Could a solid reform of the seed marketing legislation provide a more effective and safer response to sustainability commitments? Continue reading...
marketing proposal unveiled: first key takeaways
The Commission proposal for revising the EU seed marketing framework is out. Never thoroughly updated since its creation, the process of reforming a legislation made up of 12 separate directives represents a major challenge for both the institutions and campaigning organisations, and promises to generate a great deal of debate on the future of our common agriculture over the coming months. So, what does the new proposal entail? Continue reading...
Seed marketing reform - Commission hints at Faustian hybrid
In preparation of the Commission’s expected proposal for a new seed marketing legislation on June 7th, MEP Sarah Wiener and MEP Martin Häusling called a conference to discuss what is needed for a just transition to agroecology. Policy analyst Mathieu Willard reports on the next form of seed legislation, the secondary space for agroecology and the main concerns about GMOs. Continue reading...
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